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The Truth behind the Mauritian Entrepreneur

The entrepreneur. The one who goes the extra mile. The one who does everything to stand out of the lot. The one who targets to be Rich & Free.

But is this really the case in Mauritius? What about the difficulties that form part of the awesome game? What about the hidden truth?

From the start of the dream, the entrepreneur faces many challenges which he/she accepts to be able to reach the goal. However they are often misunderstood, taken for rebel and taken for crazy people.

Phase 1: "To 1 granoir".

The journey of the entrepreneur starts by removing negative people out of your life. Some may stay away from friends, from parents, from the other half, from siblings, and any other source of negativity. While your friends will be having party, you will prefer work on that goal and make it reality. This phase is so long that i'll dedicate a blog just on that.

Phase 2: "Tu a changés"

The second step is redefining your goals and your priorities. This is the phase where many will lose their partner. You become so obsessed about your goals, so in love with your entrepreneurial journey that you will eat, sleep and dream of success. Trust me many will misunderstand you. Even your girlfriend/boyfriend will take you wrong. This is NOT your fault people. Entrepreneurs!!! you are unique, you are powerful, you have the courage to change this world. If people cannot understand you, this is their f*cking bad and it's all part of the game. You just need to grab your balls and keep moving towards the best.

Phase 3: "Mo nulle"

There will come a moment in your journey, where nothing will be working. Everything will appear to be wrong. Where you will feel alone, where people will try bringing you down, where you will feel useless. Stop Bitching about it right now else get back to find a crappy job!! I've gone through it and I can assure you it's hard!!! But only the brave will survive. Going through a bad debt of more than Rs. 100k, having an alcoholic father, an unstable family situation, an discouraging girlfriend, and people trying to convince me that my dreams suck. Baby once you are passed that phase, the satisfaction you have is priceless... Hold on entrepreneur, you are just getting closer to the goal.

Phase 4: "Mo la pu aide toi, MAIS. . . "

Do not think that Banks, NGOs or any Government scheme is here to help you. Do not forget that these Banks, NGOs and any other scheme are here just because they can generate money from you and often much more than you think and by the time you can really expect help from them you may already be suffering a lot from Phase 3, which is often fatal to some entrepreneurial dream. Hold on right there. I'm not saying that you should not be using them to your benefit. You should use them, and i'll teach you how to negotiate the terms to your advantage in future blogs. But if right now you are asking how would you raise money then, consider going towards an angel investor. That's what I did and the terms of contract is in the advantage of both the parties. Or another way is to become the Bitch of Political Party. Choice is yours after all.

Phase 5: "Ou kav publier 1 article pu moi svp?"

All entrepreneur at one time feels they need to get the media attention to boost their sales. Though this can be true, understand that this is not a must in the first few months. You should be concentrating on generating leads and making your business go live. Media get a lot of request from all over the country, they need to filter all these other request before they finally get to you and the time you invest in getting their attention is time lost in generating sales. And please don't get mad at them. They are awesome people, but try to think about the number of request they have to deal with. I got rejected like 40 times before realizing that i'm wasting precious sales time, and the moment I stop looking for media attention, the sales went high. And yes we, entrepreneurs often try a lot to get into the news just because we want to be recognized a lil bit.

Phase 6: "Moi si mo pu fer pareil"

You may have the most brilliant idea in the world, you may have a secret that will propel you business, but sooner or later you will have competitors. Do you know the amount of stress that we entrepreneurs have about competitors when we first get started?? This is raging!! But peeps, your job is to stay ahead of the game. If needed, be a follower before dominating the industry. Right now my companies are all followers. We follow the trend and add our personal touch to ameliorate on it and keep boosting our sales. I won't say don't care about what your competitors are doing. Instead keep an eye on them but don't get distracted. Your competitors can be your greatest source of inspiration.

Phase 7: "Sa figir la 1 f*ss sa"

The haters phase. The phase where some people will hate you. You know, criticism use to affect me a lot. When people would talk shit on what i'm doing, how am doing it, why i'm doing it, I would take this at heart and often lose precious time. But dude this is my Freaking life. If you are having time to talk shit about me, you have time to go to the toilet and take your shit there. No one is interested with your poop dude. Even if you don't like my blog and would like to criticize on it, please do so, because constructive criticism is very important, but if it's not, you have the option to close the tab. Somewhere Somehow, this blog may be helping an entrepreneur reach his/her goal and this is makes me happy. And hell yes it's painful for the entrepreneur before he/she finally makes it a point to continue to journey leaving the haters'comments behind. Entrepreneurs!!! you need to be strong and determined to reach the fruit of success. Through pain & happiness, the destination is getting closer.

Phase 8: "Repose toi 1 tigit"

People!!! Always People telling you to relax at the wrong time. We entrepreneur should be willing to go 2-3-4 nights in a row without sleeping if we need to do it. What? It's not human? It's bad for health? You have already gone through hell!!! now what? Go work harder!!! If you are among those telling those you care about to relax and rest a bit, you are doing more harm to the entrepreneur than good. Because somewhere around the line, we entrepreneurs are working towards a better future for the benefit of the society, of the world and our loved ones. You know when we entrepreneur take some minutes to relax? When we reach our milestone and want to appreciate the job before going on. Just stop trying to stop us.

Phase 9: "Politic"

We have many brilliant entrepreneurs around Mauritius. Many of which are my close friends, and many who are making their way in silence and many joining politics to make their way. Peeps, not everyone get the support of politics. True it is that they can propel you to the top, true it is that they can support you, true it is that they can make your path way easier, but true it is that not everyone will like it. I have tried joining some political parties around, but clearly, i chose to help society and the world on my terms. However if you like it, it's good for you and your business. From experience, if you want to join any political party right now, consider PMSD. I'm not supporter of any political party, but right now they are the ones taking great initiatives for entrepreneurs and i'm not talking about giving money or making sure you get the required license or whatsoever, i'm talking about real value. Where you get the chance to meet people and help your country with a young and dynamic team. Previously I would have said MMM, because they where in the right direction until I started seeing how some young supporters reacted awfully on Social Medias. But as I said, the choice is yours, take some time to research on what are the political parties doing and may be you can get to the same conclusion.

Here's some point about Entrepreneurship in Mauritius. You may agree to some point and disapprove others, but at the end of the day, what matters is that, you entrepreneur have a long way to go, and you should not let anything distract you. I believe you can reach your dreams, I wish you luck and courage.

Don't Bitch. Just keep going!!!!

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